Jessi Trigg Photography: Blog en-us (C) Jessi Trigg Photography [email protected] (Jessi Trigg Photography) Mon, 16 Mar 2020 06:38:00 GMT Mon, 16 Mar 2020 06:38:00 GMT Jessi Trigg Photography: Blog 120 120 The newest cub When I am lucky enough to be making photographs and memories for two people so near and dear to my heart, I can really feel my calling to be a photographer come full circle.  

Have you ever met people without kids and thought, "if only they had kids...they would  make such good parents?"  That is how I have felt about these new parents for SO long, that I sometimes forget there was a time when we were all young and crazy and kids were NO where on our radar.  I have known this baby's daddy for almost thirty years, and through it all, he has remained the same kind, funny, and grounded soul that he is today.  I have known this baby's mommy since high school.  She is fun, compassionate and strong.  This woman is going to be one helluva mom.  They both bring the best things to the parenting table.  Geez, in some ways, it feels like I've been waiting for this baby longer than they have :)

 And without further adieu, here he is!


I know.  Go ahead--I'll give you a minute to collect yourself.  Not only is he just perfect in pictures, but he was an angel to work with in real life.  (Also worth mentioning, the losing streak for the Cubs has turned around since he came into this world, and as die hard Cubs fans, this family will believe it has everything to do with their little cub and the good luck he brings with him).




Dear, sleepy, calm, pretty baby...thank you for being so kind to my camera.  You have just reminded me what is RIGHT with the world. Sleep tight, little one, you are incredibly loved :)


[email protected] (Jessi Trigg Photography) Children Family Illinois Jessi Trigg Photography Photography baby dog father home lifestyle photography mother newborn Fri, 02 May 2014 02:15:00 GMT
A Good Friday -{Chicago, IL Newborn and Family Lifestyle Photographer}

I had the privilege of photographing the most beautiful baby girl on Good Friday.  Her parents had to wait extra long for her to arrive, and this cutie did NOT want to leave the womb.  In fact, she even passed up our original session date in favor of the snuggly home she had made for herself.  I have to give a lot of credit to this momma, not only did she have to wait nearly two weeks longer than planned for baby N to arrive, but she also had to wait to see if baby N was a boy or a girl.  That is will power.  As someone who couldn't stand the suspense (of gender AND arrival), I really tip my hat to the moms who can contain their excitement and curiosity and wait to be surprised.  It was certainly worth the wait.  All that extra time in the womb really agreed with her--she was so perfectly gorgeous!  Thanks for letting me spend my Friday morning with you, B family!

[email protected] (Jessi Trigg Photography) Chicagoland Jessi LIfestyle Newborn Photography Portrait Trigg and Sat, 19 Apr 2014 02:15:00 GMT
Sweet E - {Chicago, IL Children's Photographer}


It's no secret that I super-duper love to photograph this kid.  She is so sweet and so fun, and she reminds me very much of my own little girl, so naturally we get along just fine :)  Little E just turned 3, and was lucky enough to have a tea party-themed birthday party in which she received a brand new munchkin sized table and chairs set.  Of course that meant we had to have a tea party in our shoot, and who better to join her in the dress up fun than her best friend Mom. 

Little E got this adorable rain coat and boot set as a gift, but there was no rain to be seen on the day of our shoot.  We will absolutely not complain--it's been a LOOOONG and dreary winter in Chicago, and on a day with abundant sunshine and 60 degrees, we persevered with the umbrella in the sunshine!

Thanks again B family, I look forward to our next adventure together!

[email protected] (Jessi Trigg Photography) Chicago Children Family Illinois Jessi Trigg Photography Photography birthday bubbles dress kids milestone party spring tea umbrella up Sat, 05 Apr 2014 15:00:00 GMT
The A Team -{Lisle, IL Children's Photographer}

After taking a long break to recharge my batteries over the winter, I have officially kicked off my outdoor photo season with an absolutely perfect spring afternoon.  I was very lucky that my first kiddo after such a long hiatus was this charming little man.  Can you believe this head of curls?  I could seriously take photos of his hair all day.  Same with his eyes--my man A has one serious stare that will stop you in your tracks.  He is pensive, curious, sweet and perfectly silly.  He was right at home outside playing in the trees, exploring the forest and wielding his swords fashioned from various treacherous looking sticks!  Little A just turned two and has really embraced independence, daring himself to explore the dark woods (which he endearingly referred to as the jungle)--but was quick to make sure mom and dad were close behind. 


I especially enjoyed watching the relationship he has with his mom and dad.  He had a unique bond with each of his parents and though I might be biased (his mom is one of my favorite people ever), when you are in the presence of this family you can really feel how much they love each other.  A has inherited his mom's sense of humor and his dad's easygoing nature, but has a mystery all his own that I just know the girls are gonna swoon over :)  He won me over a long time ago!

Thanks again, A team.  It's always a pleasure!

[email protected] (Jessi Trigg Photography) Chicago Children Family Illinois Jessi Trigg Photography Photography arboretum birthday forest kids outdoors parents spring woods Sun, 30 Mar 2014 15:00:00 GMT
Baby E., 6 Months {Chicago, IL Children and Family Portrait Photographer}


Six month old babies are erupting with curiosity and are filled with determination to move (but usually not quite there yet, which means plenty of photo ops while they are sitting pretty and giving me lots of expression).  They have discovered the world outside their crib and high chair and can't wait to experience it for themselves.  Photographing babies at six months is an important job;  this is often one of the first opportunities in their young life to have their budding, unique personalities documented.  Translating that to images that will serve as keepsakes--as memories for the is something that gives me great joy and is one of the most uplifting things about being a photographer.  I know from experience the happiness that comes with looking back at images of my own children doing their signature thing, laughing or playing with their toys, and just being six months old where the world is huge and full of amazing things.  Every stage is different, but six months old is so uniquely wonderful.  It represents discovery and all the happiness, wonder, fear, and excitement to go with it.  Combine that with being able to photograph a baby in their natural environment, and it is magic!  I usually have photo sessions outside, but truthfully, I do a lot of personal photography with my kids in my own home, and when the opportunity to do a client home shoot arises, I love it!  I get the advantage of shooting their everyday LIFE, capturing what really is--and that is the best kind of memory to have, after all, isn't it?

I had a great time with baby E, who, I might add, smiled and giggled at everyone and everything.  He was so jubilant and laid back, which made our session fun and relaxed.  He was just learning to crawl and did the cutest topple-over-transition from sitting into crawling, just like a weeble.  I couldn't resist snapping a shot of him after he toppled and was able to hold the position for a while like some kind of crazy baby yoga master (I was most impressed!).  His big sis was very helpful in getting him into pose, playing with him, telling me what he liked and didn't like, and just being a very gracious hostess!  All in all, not a bad way to spend a cold and snowy February morning, I'd say! 













[email protected] (Jessi Trigg Photography) Chicago Children Family Illinois Jessi Trigg Photography Photography baby home kids siblings six months Mon, 10 Feb 2014 19:38:08 GMT
Window Friend One of my all time favorite books (and movies) is Anne of Green Gables.  My best friend and I would watch it over and over when we were kids, so naturally we can still recite the lines whenever we think of them.  I snapped this photo of my daughter looking out of the window, and seeing her reflection made me think immediately of a scene from Anne:


  "The only real friend I ever had was Katie Morris, and she was only my window friend.  I discovered her in the window of Mrs. Thomas' bookcase."


Of course, as soon as I put this image on Facebook, my favorite bosom friend asked me "is her name Katie Morris too?" 


I guess I love that this picture reminds me of Anne of Green Gables, of the imagination that it inspired in me, and of the kindred spirits that can see the same story in this image decades later.

[email protected] (Jessi Trigg Photography) Chicago Children Family Illinois Jessi Trigg Photography Photography kids Sat, 08 Feb 2014 20:00:00 GMT
Tea for Two, and project 52.


I decided last fall that I needed to take some much needed time off in January and February.  I think every working photographer gets to a point when they feel they need to just put the camera down for a bit and let their vision relax, let their batteries recharge, and get all their loose ends tied up so that they can begin again rejuvenated.  I was at this point after a busy summer and fall, and I knew that I needed to take some personal time away from my camera.  However, what I learned was that my camera has become so much a part of me that in the absence of client photo shoots, I began to feel a little like I had a missing limb where my camera used to be.  I didn't expect the creative void to be so big and haunt me so soon after taking time off.  I decided that I would get involved in a 52 week photo project (similar to the 365 photo project, but MUCH less overwhelming).  Every week of the year I get a topic to photograph, and it's up to me how to shoot it.  I knew this was going to be good for me, not only because it would keep me shooting and fluent with my camera, but also because it would challenge my creativity, which is something that I felt in desperate need of.  After I began the project the first week of January, it  became apparent that the seemingly endless cold and snow that seems to have forced itself on Chicago was going to prevent me from easily shooting these things away from my house.  At first I was a little annoyed that I couldn't escape to grander views that would allow more opportunities for those "bigger and better images", but then something funny happened.  I realized that without the pressure of producing images for business, my brain was able to relax and see the things I was missing right here under my nose in my own house.  I spend a great deal of time shooting and editing images for clients that provide them with lovely memories, but sometimes that happens at the risk of losing the time to do so for my own family.  I forgot how much I LOVE and NEED to shoot things that seem mundane and make them beautiful.  I get so wrapped up in daily routines that I forget to stop and take it all in.  One day my routine will be very different, I won't have kids to look after, and I will have time to go after those bigger and better images.  But for the next 52 weeks, I have decided that not only will my own family be the primary focus of these images, but they will be taken in the context of our everyday life. 

Things like tea parties with my daughter and her best friend (above) and other things like:


self portraits that show a very real side of me (without makeup and hair done---which makes me cringe, but that is what is REAL):



Or a favorite item:


A candid moment




The list continues to grow, and though I won't be sharing them all on this blog, I know that this project will probably turn out some of my favorite images this year.  I am so glad I decided to do it, and I would recommend anyone interested in photography do it too.  It's a great way to get the creative juices flowing and it is so rewarding (not to mention thereputic) to have your life documented as you see it through your eyes. 

[email protected] (Jessi Trigg Photography) Chicago Children Family Illinois Jessi Trigg Photography Photography kids Thu, 06 Feb 2014 19:30:00 GMT
On the outside looking in

It's not often that my youngest daughter gets her Daddy all to herself.  On this snowy night, she cuddled up to him for her favorite activity: reading.  She will read whatever, whenever, wherever.  I have even read a book with no pictures to her (showing her just the words) to get her to settle down when she's upset.  She will let anyone read to her, but there is just something special about her Daddy.  He has one of those deep, patient, soothing voices that will lull anyone into a trance (when my oldest was a baby, she would stop crying just at the sound of his voice).  I let them have their moment by doing what I do best--being the observer on the outside, looking in.


[email protected] (Jessi Trigg Photography) Chicago Children Family Illinois Jessi Trigg Photography Photography evening kids night night photography reading snow winter Sat, 18 Jan 2014 02:00:00 GMT
Snow Day More fun in the snow for us!  My sweetie got to do a snow dance in the woods on this snowy morning.  Don't worry, she only had her coat off for about a minute.  Although this was intended to be a test shot (or test shoot, really--in preparation for a more calculated snowy woods shoot), I loved how it turned out and wanted to share.  She was in such awe of the abundant snow and there was somethign so beautiful about it.  I hope to revisit this location for some more images on a day that is a tad bit warmer and snowing (which might be a tall order, given the cold winter we've had so far)!  In the meantime, here are a few from our five minute mini-shoot!


[email protected] (Jessi Trigg Photography) Chicago Children Illinois Jessi Trigg Photography Woods busse woods forest forest preserve kids snow winter Wed, 01 Jan 2014 06:30:00 GMT
White Christmas My daughter is fascinated with snow.  She has been waiting to make her first snow angel since July.  In the past few  years we have had VERY little snow, and even fewer opportunities to go outside and enjoy it.  In the midst of a very busy fall and winter, I was forced to stop what I was doing and seize the day for fear that the snow would quickly melt and not return for the rest of the winter.  What I didn't realize was that this was a big wake up call, a reminder to look up once in a while so that I don't miss out on fleeting opportunities to partake in greatness.  Not only did I get to finally take her out in the snowy world of her dreams, but I got to photograph her in all her snowy wonder.  Together we shared laughter and had so much fun rolling around, getting cold and soaked, then coming in for a snuggle to warm up.  I want her to look at these photos and always remember how she felt, because one day she will be a busy, stressed out grown-up too, and I don't want her to forget to look up the way her mom does.

So, thanks, snow.  It's been a long time since I've seen a White Christmas.  Last year we came close with a white dusting...but this year we had a real white Christmas, complete with flurries.  For a brief moment today, I caught myself daydreaming while staring at the beautiful snow and realized how many things I overlooked this year while being stressed out, overwhelmed, mad, complaining and actually confessing I was looking forward to the year's end.  The list of things I overlooked is not as important as what they represented, which is that my life is full of so many little blessings that are often overlooked because I am too busy focusing on the negatives.  I'm not saying we shouldn't aknowledge the things that upset us, vent about them to relieve stress.  But I feel that if I had devoted as much energy to being thankful for the blessings, than the burdens wouldn't have been so heavy.  This will be my goal for the upcoming year.  In the meantime, tonight I am grateful for snow--for providing me with beauty, fun, diversity and nostalgia. 



[email protected] (Jessi Trigg Photography) Chicago Children Family Illinois Jessi Trigg Photography Photography Snow Winter Fri, 27 Dec 2013 06:15:00 GMT
E & A- {Chicago Wedding Photographer}

Ahhh, young love.  A winter wedding complete with a snowy backdrop fit perfectly with the romantic nature these two share.  He might be a stern marine on the outside, but the look on his face when he saw her for the first time in her dress revealed the softy within.  He just smiled and shook his head in disbelief as she giggled sweetly.  Weddings may be a lot of work, but getting to witness little moments like this reminds me why I like to do it in the first place.  All that romance and swooning, the dancing and laughing, the smiles and just doesn't get old.  Ever.  Congrats you two, I hope this new journey brings you many, many blessings and a lifetime of happiness!



[email protected] (Jessi Trigg Photography) bride chicago chicago wedding photographer december groom illinois jessi trigg photography married snow wedding winter wedding Sat, 14 Dec 2013 04:30:00 GMT
T & S - {Lisle, IL Maternity Photographer}  


This was the photo shoot that almost wasn't, and I am incredibly happy that we finally got the opportunity to get these shots.  Even though it was her birthday and he was still recovering from being sick, these two braved the early morning December cold (without jackets most of the time!) and we had a fun maternity shoot.  I'm just so happy that we got to sneak this shoot in before baby N shows up!


[email protected] (Jessi Trigg Photography) Autumn Chicago Family Forest Illinois Jessi Trigg Photography Lake Lisle, IL Maternity Nature Parents Photography Photography" Trigg Winter Woods baby Mon, 02 Dec 2013 04:28:02 GMT
W Family- {Elk Grove Village, IL Family Portrait Photographer}  




The weather held out just long enough for us to have a beautiful family session this afternoon (we were literally chased out of the forest preserve by sleet)!  I was so proud of this little girl for giving it her all, despite the 45 degree weather and mist that lurked all around us.  Sometimes the cold weather can dampen the spirit a little, but not this kiddo!  Although she was a little bit shy for me at times, I loved seeing how all of her anxiety melted away when she was playing with her mom and dad, as if they were the only people there.  This is the kind of thing I love to capture for parents.  Sometimes in the hustle and bustle of everyday life we miss those adoring glances and eager faces.  Family sessions always have traditional posed images, but it’s the stuff in between that warms my heart the most and keeps me inspired.  Whether it was playing in the leaves, pretending to be airplanes, stomping on bugs or trying her hardest to hold up her little brother,  they really loved eachother's company and I think that shone through effortlessly to my camera.   It certainly helps to have such a great looking family-complete with a brand new baby who is oozing with cuteness-to make it a successful photo session!  Thanks for a great afternoon, Warder family!


[email protected] (Jessi Trigg Photography) Autumn Busse Woods Chicago Children Elk Grove Village, IL Fall Family Forest Preserve Illinois Jessi Trigg Photography Kids Photography baby forest woods Sun, 03 Nov 2013 02:00:00 GMT
Patty & Donnie (with a little Guinness on the side)-{Wheaton, IL Engagement Portrait Photography}


Tonight's engagement session had all the right elements for a successful shoot:  Beautiful light, gorgeous setting, a couple in love and a cute little pup named Guinness.  Once again I found my way back to Blackwell Forest Preserve to shoot this lovely little family and once again, it did not disappoint.  Lush meadows and dense forests exploding with fall colors had me reeling, and I found myself promising over and over again that we would move on to a new location after just one more shot, then just one more, then "I promise, just ONE more."  How lucky I am that they let me run with my ideas despite the ever encroaching chill that happens as the sun sets.  Though they never let on that they were slowly turning into popsicles, I'm pretty sure that they headed straight to their car to blast the heat, sighing with relief.  Though sunset shoots this time of year can leave you a little frosty, it's such a beautiful result!  Nothing a little Guinness can't fix post-photo session, right?


[email protected] (Jessi Trigg Photography) Chicago Dog Jessi Trigg Photography Meadow October Wheaton, Illinois Yorkie Yorkshire Terrier autumn blackwell forest preserve couple engagement fall forest wedding Mon, 28 Oct 2013 02:15:00 GMT
Twice as nice- {Huntley, IL Newborn Photography}


Meet Saylor and Rylie, two of the sweetest babies I've ever had the pleasure of photographing.  The babies were so incredibly cooperative and mild-mannered despite an extra long shoot!  I think that means they are cut out for the camera, so look out, Jamie and Pete, here are some future models in the making.  The most heartwarming thing about these two is how they immediately calmed  down and fell asleep once they were laying next to each other.




[email protected] (Jessi Trigg Photography) Babies Chicago Children Family Illinois Jessi Trigg Photography Newborn Twins Fri, 25 Oct 2013 18:15:00 GMT
Red Riding Hood -{Lisle, IL Children and Family Portrait Photographer}  


When it comes to deciding what to be for Halloween, my daughter is about as fickle as they come.  Every day I am inundated with costume requests, and I suspect that after Halloween passes, we will be rifling through the discounted costume bin just to add (even more) variety to our dress-up box.  While I do get a little exhausted trying to keep up with her ever changing mind, I admit that her vivid imagination is my absolute favorite thing about her.  She is no ordinary three year old girl pigeon-holed into daydreams of princesses and fairies (though she does love those too).  She is the girl who reaches first for her pirate costume just so she can talk like a pirate and jig (because apparently it’s only acceptable to do so when in costume).  She is the girl who jumps off the bed, fist in the air, proclaiming that she is a super hero.  AND, she is the girl who stares at her reflection vainly in the mirror while desperately tugging at her hair trying to get it to Rapunzel’s length—and then frustrated, yells at her reflection “it’s not working!”  Yes, this girl has wanted to be just about everything for Halloween.  However, when Red Riding Hood made her way through the wheel of ideas, I immediately envisioned a great way to execute her three year milestone pictures.  We are so very fortunate that her grandma indulged my vision and made her a custom frock so she would look authentic.  When we went to the “forest” to take some pictures, she had a great time playing the part, and all I had to do was sit back and wait for the images to happen.  We had so much fun with this that I am already thinking of more ways we can re-create her imagination on camera.  The possibilities are endless!









[email protected] (Jessi Trigg Photography) Chicago Children Costume Dress Up Fantasy Forest Halloween Imagination Jessi Trigg Photography Kids Lisle, IL Milestone Morton Arboretum October Photography Red Riding Hood Woods Tue, 22 Oct 2013 03:16:08 GMT
Three- {Elk Grove Village, IL Children and Family Portrait Photographer}


It's hard to believe that I've only been doing this mom thing for three years.  It feels like it's been ages, and at the same time, I am having difficulty with the quickness in which (all of the sudden it feels like) it passed.  I still remember the incredible anticipation, happiness, anxiety, fear, and love that continued to build and build the entire pregnancy until I finally got to hold her in my arms.  There is just no way to describe or measure that feeling.  Nor is there a way to describe how bittersweet it is to see your baby growing up.  Even though I sometimes wish she could stay little forever, we have so much fun with her growing independence and her BIG personality.  Happy birthday, sweet girl.  You keep getting bigger but you will always be our first born baby!


[email protected] (Jessi Trigg Photography) Chicago Illinois Jessi Photography Trigg birthday cake celebration childhood children kids nostalgia party Wed, 09 Oct 2013 01:50:53 GMT
Lil’ miss E and Co. - {Lisle, IL Children and Family Portrait Photography} JTP (1 of 1)-10


She’s back, and better than ever!  There is never a shortage of sass when I take this munchkin out on a shoot.  She always delivers.  I love her cute outfits and her genuine curiosity for life.  Me and Lil’ E go way back, but no matter how cool I am, I will never compare to her two best friends: Mommy and Auntie.  How lucky she was to have them both at today’s shoot, and how lucky for me to be able to make beautiful pictures of this trio!


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[email protected] (Jessi Trigg Photography) Chicago Family Illinois Jessi Trigg Photography Photography Woods autumn forest preserve kids lisle morton arboretum mother Sun, 29 Sep 2013 18:30:07 GMT
Blue Duck - {Elk Grove Village, IL Children and Family Portrait Photographer} JTP (1 of 1)-5


I could have a billion bath toys and she would be content with just this one blue duck.  Normally bath time in this house is a rushed evening chore, but today we took an afternoon bath with some aromatherapy for stuffy noses.  She got to play for an extra long time, which meant I had time to get the camera.


[email protected] (Jessi Trigg Photography) Chicago Children Family Home Illinois Jessi Trigg Photography Photography baby bathtub kids rubber duck Mon, 23 Sep 2013 19:32:13 GMT
Shadow Dancing - {Elk Grove Village, IL Children and Family Portrait Photography} JTP (1 of 1)-6

My oldest daughter loves to play with her shadow.  Although she has found many ways to play with her shadow before, this was the first time she ever made a “big scary shadow” and she had quite a bit of fun pretending it was a monster that was dancing with her.  She has more toys than I can count, but this kept her entertained for the better part of thirty minutes.

Once she figured out the formula for big scary shadow, she tried to get her little sis in on the action.  Alas, Skylar was more interested in the neighborhood outside.  She loves to just sit in the window and quietly watch the world.

JTP (1 of 1)-7

[email protected] (Jessi Trigg Photography) Children Family Home Illinois Jessi Trigg Photography Photography afternoon dancing kids shadow window Sun, 22 Sep 2013 19:45:44 GMT
One is fun -{Elk Grove Village, IL Children and Family Portrait Photography} JBT (1 of 1)

My baby is one.  Not sure how that happened so fast, but suddenly she is a walking, dancing, babbling toddler.  She was right at home in the great outdoors for these shots.  She kept inspecting the grass, the flowers, the weeds, and even decided to pop an acorn in her mouth just to see how it would taste.  After I rushed over to her in a panic and forcefully removed it from mouth, I decided it was time to call it a day.  Note to self, toddlers WILL eat anything.

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Later that day we got to play princess dress up with her big sis.  She is learning how to walk and loves to give herself applause whenever she takes a few steps.  If she doesn’t hear fanfare from the rest of us, she will stand there and wait for it like a little diva.  Thankfully we never hold back, and her big sis gives her all the encouragement she needs to do it all over again and again and again!

JTP (2 of 3) JTP (3 of 3) JTP (1 of 3) JTP (1 of 1)-3 JTP (1 of 1)-2     JTP (1 of 1)-4

[email protected] (Jessi Trigg Photography) Chicago Children Family Home Illinois Jessi Trigg Photography One Photography Toddler baby kids sister walking Mon, 16 Sep 2013 19:55:51 GMT
M & L - {Fort Sheridan, IL Family Portrait Photographer}

I have known L and her family for a couple of years and on today’s shoot I was reminded why I liked them in the first place. They are really such a loving, sweet and FUN family. L is one of those people who has an infectious laugh and zest for life. She and her family were so great and I really had a fun shoot with them today. We have talked about doing a family shoot on a beach for some time and we found the perfect spot at Fort Sheridan Beach in Highland Park, IL. For those who have never been, I wholeheartedly recommend making the trek out there. The vast beauty and lush nature will NOT disappoint! The temperature, however, will leave you a bit chilled so remember to bring a coat. Don’t let those vibrant smiles fool you, by the end of our shoot my subjects were ready for a winter coat and a hot latte!


[email protected] (Jessi Trigg Photography) Chicago Children Family Fort Sheridan Highland Park Illinois Jessi Trigg Photography Photography Siblings autumn beach forest preserve parents Sun, 15 Sep 2013 19:21:33 GMT
B & J - {Lisle, IL Family Portrait Photography}


I had the pleasure of doing a photo shoot for my best friend and her beautiful family.  The weather was perfect, the kids were perfect, and the company was perfect.  I really love being a photographer and consider it such a privilege to be “let in” to people’s lives so intimately to capture memories and personalities unfolding before me.  When the subjects are so near and dear to your heart it just sweetens the deal!  On top of just loving Brandy to pieces, our daughters are the same age and love being with each other just like their mommies!  It was bring your daughter to work day for me on this shoot, and I even snuck in a picture of the future besties.  I hope they grow up to love each other as much as their moms do!

[email protected] (Jessi Trigg Photography) Family Illinois Jessi Trigg Photography Photography Siblings autumn forest forest preserve friends kids lisle morton arboretum parents Sat, 14 Sep 2013 14:06:50 GMT
Brotherly Love - {Elk Grove Village, IL Children and Family Portrait Photography} It’s not often that I get to shoot siblings that are 15 years apart.  These brothers have stolen my heart!  Jacob was so great with his little bro, who obviously adores his hero of a big brother.  I was able to capture some incredibly sweet moments between these two with very little direction or posing on my part.  Just getting to hang around and take pictures of them playing and goofing around resulted in some great shots that I am sure their mother will treasure forever!

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[email protected] (Jessi Trigg Photography) Family Jessi Trigg Photography Photography brothers busse woods dad forest forest preserve kids mom summer teenagers teens Sun, 18 Aug 2013 17:27:58 GMT
Things to remember on outdoor shoots So something happened on my last shoot that really got me thinking about safety on my outdoor photo sessions.  I was shooting at the forest preserve in some beautiful tall wispy grass at sunset, and before I knew it I was under full fledge attack by yellow jackets.  At first it was a sting on my arm, then all of the sudden I felt them everywhere all over my body.  It happened so fast, and I didn’t actually see any bees until I was frantically swatting them away, and only then I saw maybe one or two.  I didn’t even realize what was happening until about five feet away my husband (and gracious lighting assistant) began to have the same reaction.  We dropped our equipment and began to run, all while my lovely and confused mother to be held her pose in the grass.  I am so thankful that they never stung her, but also in complete disbelief at our luck, because she was standing much closer to me than my husband.  Of course this happened in the first five minutes of our shoot, and it was a little hard to recover from, but we knew we’d be ok.  hough it hurt, we were not allergic to bees–which is good because after all was said and done I was stung 18 times and my husband 5!  After the shoot was over and I had time to think about it, I kept having this dreadful feeling:  What if that happened to my client instead of me?  And what if she WAS allergic to bees?  And what if that were a baby or a small child, also allergic to bees?  I shoot in the grass all the time and never knew that yellow jackets build their nest underground (and for the record, it could be anywhere, not just in tall grass).  While I rely on parents to inform me of potential environmental allergies or specific limitations we might encounter, I have never actually asked anyone if they are aware if their child has a serious allergy to anything we might encounter in the great outdoors.  Adults usually know of their allergies  and carry epi-pens for events such as this,  but my guess is that most parents don’t realize their babies or toddlers are allergic to such things as a bee sting until it happens.  Sometimes a family history of allergies can tip them off, but not always.  I learned a lesson I will never forget on this shoot, and have made it my own personal policy to ask about bee sting allergies and go over all the possible scenarios we may be shooting in prior to arriving at our photo site.  I have also made it a habit to avoid tall grass when shooting little kids unless parents specifically request it, and then my amazing photo assistant and husband will take one for the team by going in to the area and disturb the heck out of it before we set up camp there.  Parents, just remember that a photographer shooting in the great outdoors will be looking for great light and interesting settings, but we can’t detect underground bee nests until they surface!  Know your allergies, and don’t forget to bring your bug spray!

[email protected] (Jessi Trigg Photography) Jessi Trigg Photography Photography bees bugs outdoor photography Mon, 12 Aug 2013 17:42:59 GMT
J & P - {Elk Grove Village, IL Children and Family Portrait Photography} Maternity shoots are always fun–there is an energy between this couple that only those who have lived through it can understand.  These couples have nervous, excited energy that they are eager to capture and share so that they will never forget this time and how they felt.  I remember when I was pregnant with my first child, despite a turbulent pregnancy, I was always so happy and excited at the idea of what was to come and in awe at what was happening inside me.  My child-bearing days are behind me, but I never get tired of sharing in those moments and being able to document them for couples.   P & J are doubly lucky because they are having twins.  Not only are they a beautiful couple, but they were a pleasure to shoot as well.

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[email protected] (Jessi Trigg Photography) Illinois Jessi Trigg Photography Photography baby busse woods couples elk grove village father maternity mother night outdoor summer Fri, 09 Aug 2013 16:49:18 GMT
Charlie and Mary Jo - {Wheaton, IL Child Portrait Photography} This is a shoot I was looking forward to for a while.  Katie is a friend of mine and she asked if I would consider incorporating their car into the shoot we had planned for her kids Charlie and Mary Jo.  Of course I jumped at the opportunity.  After I showed her a few teasers, she said that their dad kept gawking at the pics and commenting on how good the car looked.  I don’t know, I think the kids were pretty good looking too!

[email protected] (Jessi Trigg Photography) Blackwell Forest Preserve Cars Illinois Jessi Trigg Photography Photography Siblings kids Sat, 27 Jul 2013 17:52:09 GMT
Baby K and A- {Elk Grove Village, IL Children and Family Portrait Photography} What a cute couple of kids I met on today’s photo shoot.  A was fun, inquisitive and incredibly patient.  He did everything I asked him to, was well behaved, and even showed me how to get his baby sister Kate to smile.  What more could I ask for in a toddler!?  Not to mention, during his little break while I was busy with baby K, he went on a hunt to find the perfect flower for his mom.  Sometimes when the hurdles of this business can get you down, things like this are the best pick-me-up around.  I love witnessing these moments.  It’s food for the soul!  Here are a couple of shots from today.  I can’t decide if I am more in love with his sweet smile or her amazing bright eyes.  I think it’s a tie.

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[email protected] (Jessi Trigg Photography) Family Illinois Jessi Trigg Photography Siblings Toddler baby busse woods elk grove village forest preserve Sat, 13 Jul 2013 16:30:44 GMT
Keep on rockin’ in the free world -{Elk Grove Village, IL Children and Family Portrait Photography} O beautiful for patriot dream
That sees beyond the years
Thine alabaster cities gleam
Undimmed by human tears!
America! America!
God shed his grace on thee
And crown thy good with brotherhood
From sea to shining sea!

From “America The  Beautiful”  by Katharine Lee Bates

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[email protected] (Jessi Trigg Photography) Children Jessi Trigg Photography Photography america america the beautiful cowboy hat flag fourth of july independence day july 4th stars stripes summer Thu, 04 Jul 2013 17:38:29 GMT
M Family: - {Elk Grove Village, IL Children and Family Portrait Photography} I did a shoot with these boys in March on a cold rainy day and they were just as handsome bundled up in coats as they are in their summer digs!  We were going for something really summery in contrast to their previous wintery shoot, and I think we really nailed it.  I have decided that I need to bring Cameron on every shoot with me because he has the most interesting lines to evoke giggles for the camera.  I am pretty sure we got a lot of mileage out of “cheese and pickles” and “stinky feet” for this shoot, which I am just fine with, because it rendered some fabulous smiles from these kids!

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[email protected] (Jessi Trigg Photography) Children Family Illinois Jessi Trigg Photography Photography Woods brother busse woods elk grove village father fathers day forest preserce il lake mother summer water Sun, 30 Jun 2013 19:02:28 GMT
Baby M: 4 months - {Chicago Children's Portrait Photography} I love shooting outdoors.  I love everything about nature in my photos, and I think it shows.  I seize any chance I get to plunk a baby down in the tall grass and weeds and whip out my camera to make some natural terrific-ness happen.  But every now and again I get an itch to shoot somewhere out of my norm, and what usually happens is I drag my kids here, there and everywhere to get it out of my system.  Thing is, my own kids seldom sit still long enough to get more than one shot.  Imagine my delight when I got the opportunity to photograph this little sweetie a few blocks from her home downtown Chicago.  I’ve shot downtown several times before, but never for a baby shoot.  I tried to marry some urban deliciousness with the soft and pure nature of a baby.  Just to add a little excitement into the mix, it was an unusually chilly June day, cloudy and rainy with a layer of fog hiding the tops of our buildings.  What began as apprehension about the weather turned into a silver lining.  We did this shoot in about an hour at a small dog park just before the rain, leaving to park practically empty.  The rain held off long enough for us to shoot, and the clouds provided a giant soft box, which meant soft light for a pretty baby sitting amongst the skyscrapers.  M was generous with the smiles and nothing short of adorable.

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[email protected] (Jessi Trigg Photography) Chicago Children Illinois Jessi Trigg Photography Photography baby city park summer Sat, 29 Jun 2013 16:28:50 GMT
Parent Shopping- {Elk Grove Village, IL Family Portrait Photographer} An old friend of mine contacted me a while ago asking if I would take some pictures of her and her husband as part of her adoption process.  She sent me the requirements that her adoption agency had set:

1) 3 nice portraits of the couple together (more posed- you may need to just get someone to come over and take these with a decent camera, please change clothing)
2) 2 portraits of wife (same as above)
3) 2 portraits of husband (same as above)

This seemed easy enough to me, so I told her I’d swing  by one Friday night and we’d knock a few pictures out right there in their backyard.  When I got there, I was waiting for my friend to finish getting dressed and I began to chat with her husband.  I wondered why they were so particular in their request to get photos with different outfits, and that’s when he explained that they were in the beginning of their adoption process and the pictures would be put into a catalog of sorts for pregnant mothers to look through (I’m paraphrasing here, but you get the idea).  Immediately I realized that these were no ordinary pictures they were looking for, but something that would sell them as acceptable parents to the women looking through this catalog.  Someone would actually be parent shopping, and could potentially base their decision on how the couple looked in these pictures.  Now, I set out on every photo shoot to make people look their best and try my hardest to put forth the best quality photos that I can.  But this was quite honestly a responsibility I have never had before, and I had to up the ante a bit to make absolutely sure that this picture would sing.  Everyone who knows my friend could attest that she is oozing sweetness and was made to be a mom, but I needed to make that translate on camera.    As sunset progressed, we filled all the requirements the agency asked for, and saved this couple shot for last.  I hope that whoever is shopping in that catalog stops at this photo and sees exactly what those of us on the other side of the camera see, two amazing parents.

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[email protected] (Jessi Trigg Photography) Jessi Trigg Photography Photography adoption backyard couples engagement portraits summer Fri, 14 Jun 2013 12:29:57 GMT
Baby V: 6 months- {Elk Grove Village, IL Family Portrait Photography} Early evening is my favorite time to shoot, and it’s not too often that I am able to do that when photographing the little ones.  In a perfect world, babies would be at their best behaved, not hungry, and totally chill between 6:30 and 8pm at night when summer light is dwindling from a pretty sunset into a dreamy twilight.  Most babies are already well into their own dreamland by this time, and as a result, we are usually shooting much earlier in the day, because when it comes down to it, I’d never sacrifice a happy baby for beautiful light.  However, sometimes I get lucky and find that unusually happy baby who is relaxed and eager to be photographed at any time of day.  Enter V:

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His sweetness still makes my heart sing

[email protected] (Jessi Trigg Photography) 6 months Children Illinois Jessi Trigg Photography Photography blanket busse woods elk grove village forest preserve parents Fri, 14 Jun 2013 12:29:20 GMT
Beach Blanket Bingo This was an idea I had one day while dreaming about cleaning out my garage to make space for a small studio setup.  I looked around the house for a few things I could throw a set together with and made a phone call to a friend of mine to see if she would conspire with me to do a surprise photo shoot with her niece, whose mom is a great client of mine.  I wanted to do something to say thanks, but also wanted it to be a surprise.  We had been talking for a while about getting my daughter and this kiddo together for a play date, so we had the perfect ruse.  They came over one afternoon, and after only twenty minutes we had ourselves a make-believe beach party shoot that we surprised her mom with on facebook!

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[email protected] (Jessi Trigg Photography) Photography beach Children cooler Jessi Trigg Photography radio sunscreen umbrella Thu, 13 Jun 2013 12:28:51 GMT
When daddy is in charge of my hair: I couldn’t help but post this pic of my daughter from this morning.  Lately she has been asserting her independence and insisting on doing everything herself, like eating her oatmeal with a big girl spoon.  However, her unruly bedhead is somehow always a hurdle between the spoon and her mouth, so we need to put it up out of her face.  This morning I had my hands full with our other daughter and asked my hubby if he would take care of putting her hair in a ponytail to get it out of her face.  What I found when I entered the dining room:

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My daughter has learned by now that it’s not unusual to see me scramble for my camera when moments such as these arise.  In fact, she thought I was there to take pictures of her new-found spoon skills:

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I’m sure one day she’ll be so thankful I shared these pictures with the internet world…

[email protected] (Jessi Trigg Photography) breakfast Children daddy hair Jessi Trigg Photography oatmeal ponytail spoon Tue, 11 Jun 2013 20:36:41 GMT
99 is the new 29 It’s not often you get asked to shoot a birthday party for someone turning 99.  On top of that alone being an impressive accomplishment, Charles Angell has led an incredible life full of other outstanding accomplishments.  He is a veteran and Princeton alum who attended classes taught by Albert Einstein.  He still lives in his hundred+ year old house (whose records were destroyed in the Chicago Fire), and was celebrated by his family on such a milestone birthday.  Hearing stories about him through the years as told by his family was both fascinating and heartwarming.  I felt lucky to have been a part of this event!


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[email protected] (Jessi Trigg Photography) 99 Children Family Illinois Jessi Trigg Photography Party Photography birthday dog einstein glencoe golden retriever house princeton Sun, 02 Jun 2013 20:21:55 GMT
Another Spring Valley adventure Despite the number of times I have been to Spring Valley Nature Center, I have never actually taken my own kids there.  Michael and I would often comment on how our toddler would love seeing the farm and animals, and one morning we just up and decided to take them there.  We have discovered that early Sunday mornings are the best time to go, as there are not many people around, which is always a bonus for a photographer on a mission.  It was an overcast balmy morning and was pretty dead, so it had all the makings of a perfect photo op.  But like so many so many photo opportunities with my excitable toddler, this one didn’t pan out as well as I had hoped.  She was far too interested in her surroundings to be bothered to sit still for even two seconds, and I am ashamed to admit that we did resort to bribing with candy just to get these shots, which I am rather ho-hum about.  At least she looks cute, to her parents anyway!

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[email protected] (Jessi Trigg Photography) Barn Chicago Children Farm Fence Illinois Jeans Jessi Trigg Photography Photography Schaumburg Spring Valley Nature Center Woods forest Sun, 26 May 2013 13:14:32 GMT
Who’s afraid of the big, bad swing? untitled (2 of 2)-2

Last year I bought my daughter one of those outdoor swings you tie to a tree.  She had never shown any interest in swinging when we were at the park, but LOVED being swung around like a monkey by any poor sap who would take pity on her.  I set out to get a swing for our backyard convinced that she would love it, or at the very least, slowy learn to love it.  Much to my dismay, she was absolutely terrified of it and wouldn’t even consent to let me strap her in it just to sit.  Lonely and unused, the swing got packed away at the end of summer in our shed, in hopes to see brighter days the next season.  Sometime this spring I hung it up again and didn’t ask her to sit in it.  I thought I would just casually leave it hanging where she would see it in hopes that it would pique here interest.  Just like last season, the swing was passed over many times without even a glance, but I didn’t have the heart to force her to try it.   How could a rambunctious, fearless toddler such as my own be afraid of a swing?  I began to organize Mission: “do not fear the swing” in my head, but quickly had to put it on the back burner when Michael and I had to go out of town to shoot a wedding one weekend.  When I called my in-laws to check in Sunday morning, I was informed that my daughter was “outside on the swing with Papa, and has been for about 45 minutes.”  I had to see it to believe it, but she was indeed over her fear of the big, bad swing.  I’m not sure I want to know how he did it, but thanks to Papa Trigg for getting us over that hump!

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[email protected] (Jessi Trigg Photography) Children Family Jessi Trigg Photography Photography kids summer swing Thu, 16 May 2013 13:30:39 GMT
Trigg familly- {Lisle, IL Family Portrait Photography} Yep, that’s right, these are my kin!  My husband’s family has been asking for a decent family portrait since the day he brought me home to meet them nearly eleven years ago.  I figured it was high time I make good on my promise to dazzle them with my photographic skill.  We went to the Morton Arboretum, which is my favorite place in the world to shoot, on what started off a promising spring morning.  As it turned out, the weather took a toll on us that day and was uncharacteristically humid and buggy.  In between every shot, my poor family would break their pose to swat, slap and wipe the bugs and sweat away.  However, you’d never know it from those glowing smiles that they were being eaten alive!  Now that’s the kind of dedication to a family portrait that I like to see!  They were very gracious as I slowly dragged them to all my favorite haunts.  They didn’t even complain when I realized that my remote trigger was broken, which meant we had to do our big family shots via self timer.  They finally got their family portrait with my hubby, his sisters and parents.  Sadly, I am the only one missing from these photos, as none of our self-timed family shots had everyone looking at the camera at the same time.  That is a photoshop composite project which is on back burner until I have more time to address it.  Hopefully it won’t be eleven more years before it surfaces!


[email protected] (Jessi Trigg Photography) Children Family Illinois Jessi Trigg Photography Photography arboretum couples forest lisle morton arboretum summer trees Sat, 11 May 2013 12:26:53 GMT
Family Shoot: Brian and Kathy- {Schaumburg, IL Family Portrait Photography} This family portrait shoot was at Spring Valley Nature Sanctuary in Schaumburg.  This place is a hidden gem in the suburbs of Chicago.  Blink, and you’ll miss the entrance, but those lucky enough to make it in will be pleasantly surprised at the vastness of beautiful nature that lies within.  They have everything from lakes and ponds,  trails and wildlife to a working farm with it’s staff dressed like they are straight out of Little House on the Prairie.  If you haven’t gone, I strongly suggest a visit, it’s beautiful!  And I won’t even begin to mention the bounty of photo ops I have discovered there, nor will I mention the amount of times I’ve stepped in cow pies while trying to compose the perfect shot….

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[email protected] (Jessi Trigg Photography) Barn Chicago Children Family Farm Illinois Jessi Trigg Photography Photography Schaumburg Spring Valley Nature Sanctuary forest Sun, 21 Apr 2013 17:32:58 GMT
V: One Year Pics- {Addison, IL Family Portrait Photography} A couple of weeks ago I photographed little V’s first birthday party.  Today we got to do her one year pictures, cake smash and all.  This sweetie was so lucky to get signed books in lieu of signed birthday cards, and wasted no time diving right in to the likes of Dr. Seuss and Shel Silverstein.  She even got a few books in Italian!

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[email protected] (Jessi Trigg Photography) First Birthday Jessi Trigg Photography Minnie Mouse Photography birthday books cake dr. seuss italian pink rocking chair shel silverstein smash cake Sat, 06 Apr 2013 12:24:58 GMT
Sara & Tony: Married, again! -{Chicago Wedding Photography} Ten years ago, my husband and I had a fantastic time at Sara and Tony’s wedding.  It was a memorable evening, and one we still talk about to this day!  They celebrated their ten year anniversary by having a vow renewal at Allegra Banquets in Schiller Park.  Just like at their wedding, there was no shortage of love and laughter as friends and family gathered once again to witness Sara’s dad re-marry them.  I was so honored to be asked to photograph this special milestone in their lives!  Sara was and is one of the most beautiful brides I’ve ever seen, and I only regret not having a video camera when Tony saw her walk into the room and said under his breath “DAMN, my wife looks GOOD!”  Sara, you’ll have to take my word for it, but it had all the makings of an epic romance novel.

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[email protected] (Jessi Trigg Photography) Children Jessi Trigg Photography Party Photography anniversary bride groom vow renewal wedding Fri, 05 Apr 2013 15:55:57 GMT
We’ve got ears, it’s time for cheers!- {Addison, IL Family Portrait Photography} Today I had the pleasure of being sweet Valentina’s personal paparazzo.  This little nugget turned one AND it was her Golden Birthday, which meant that it was quite the Minnie Mouse-themed soiree!  There wasn’t a polka dot out of place at Bonefish Grill this afternoon as little V played hostess with the mostess for all of her friends and family.  Turning one is hard work, and yet she kept her composure the entire time with no tantrums, no crying, and no falling asleep.  I am always impressed when the wee ones hold it together for such a long time amidst the chaos of these type of events.  I consider myself blessed to have had only smiles and cooperation while I’m snap, snap, snapping away with my camera and flash.  Getting to photograph milestones like this is a win-win for everyone involved; I get the kiddos with all their cake-in-the-face glory, mom and dad can sit back and enjoy the party without worrying about missing any photo ops, and the little ones have momentos to last a lifetime!

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[email protected] (Jessi Trigg Photography) Chicago Event Photography First Birthday Illinois Jessi Trigg Photography Minnie Mouse Party Photographer Photography Schaumburg Sat, 23 Mar 2013 14:05:50 GMT
Children’s shoot: Cameron and Chase- {Elgin, IL Family Portrait Photography} I was looking forward to this shoot for a while.  In all the children’s shoots I have done, I haven’t photographed too many  boys.  And these boys are C-U-T-E cute!  Their mom is always posting pictures on facebook and the first thing you notice about them is their incredibly soulful eyes (something every photographer dreams of)!  When she asked me to take pictures of them, I had to contain my elation.  Those eyes were beggin’ to be photographed on my camera!  We were hoping for some mild spring temperatures, but alas, winter dug its stubborn heels in and robbed us of balmy temps and sunny skies.  Despite the biting wind and cold, damp day, these brothers were on their best behavior and gave me 150% of their cooperation.  I couldn’t have asked for anything more!  Afterwards, I wasn’t the only one who suggested their mom get them modeling gigs, so if anyone out there has connections, give me a shout and I’ll hook you up with these cuties!

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[email protected] (Jessi Trigg Photography) Barn Children Elgin Family Hats Illinois Jessi Trigg Photography March Photography Spring Winter Sun, 17 Mar 2013 12:16:20 GMT
Picture Day -Schaumburg, IL Children's Portrait Photography Before I was a full-time mom and part-time photographer, I worked for an amazing organization called Chicago Education Project, a private, special education facility for children on the autism spectrum.  While working with children in the classroom at CEP, I learned the principles of ABA (applied behavior analysis)–something unbeknownst to me at the time that would help me further my future career in photography.   Understanding the behavior of children, not just those with special needs, helps me to communicate with them and get them to cooperate in front of my camera.  People with kids know that merely asking a child to sit still and smile is more often than not a futile mission, and can be a frustrating endeavor that makes you want to throw your hands in the air and settle for that shot you don’t really like.  As a professional photographer, it is my job to get a great shot, regardless of the level of cooperation going on between me and my subjects.  I don’t like to bribe kids into smiling, and I don’t encourage parents to do it either.  Instead, I like to get on their level and earn their trust the old fashioned way so that they are having fun with me and don’t need to be bribed to smile and enjoy our time together while being photographed.  I am so grateful for my time at CEP and the talented behavior analysts there that taught me the skills to do this because it not only makes me a better photographer, but a better mom as well.  I absolutely loved working there and was so happy they asked me to come back and photograph their kids for their annual picture day.  Just like I had remembered, the kids were full of surprises and I had fun capturing their personalities on camera.  By the time I let, I also had the added bonus of learning how to give a foot-five (think high-five, but with your feet), dancing to Carly Rae Jepsen, and getting to belt out “We Are The Champions” on the top our lungs with a student and their instructor.  However, the most heartwarming thing about this gig was all the positive feedback I got from the parents who went out of their way to thank me for getting a shot of their child smiling, something that many of them have never had.  These kids are full of laughter and giggles, but often don’t understand the relationship between posing/smiling and a camera.  As a result, their parents have a difficult time getting mementos of their kids with happy faces.  What a joy it was to be able to do that for them, and to be able to tell them that in all honesty, it wasn’t difficult at all because we were having fun and they were being themselves.  Pure and honest fun, no bribes required.


[email protected] (Jessi Trigg Photography) ABA Applied Behavior Analysis Autism Bribes CEP Chicago Chicago Education Project Hoffman Estates Illinois Photographer Photography Picture Day Private School Schools Wed, 06 Mar 2013 11:32:29 GMT